Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ugly Girl vs Ugly Guy

I wanted to specify this as a place of expression for GIRLS for a reason. It's clear to anyone who's being honest and looking at it clearly, it's harder to be an ugly girl than it is an ugly guy. I won't say it's EASY for guys, but it's still easier than it is for girls.

An ugly guy is told to be cherished for who he is. He might not be hot, but he's intelligent, kind, generous, funny, etc., so you should look past his exterior. Females are not afforded this courtesy. Only if she is hot, or at least reasonably "cute" is it considered a bonus for her to be intelligent, kind, generous, funny, etc. Looks are always what matters first for women.

We also see it in advertising, TV, magazine covers, and so on. Haven't you  noticed how weight loss ads feature women way more often than men? How about cosmetic surgery and anti-aging products? How about magazines? You open up a men's magazine, it's full of half naked women. You open up a women's magazine and you'd swear they just photocopied the men's magazine and pasted different articles on top.

How often do you people watch? When you do, how often do you see a hot woman with a not-so-hot man? Compare that to how rarely you see the opposite. How often do you see or hear an ugly guy you know personally talking about how he won't date "fat chicks" or "ugly chicks?" Yet, he thinks because he's a man, it's okay for him to be ugly because he's any one of the aforementioned adjectives...and people encourage him to do so! They tell him what a great guy he is, how any woman would be lucky to have him and he'll find the perfect woman one day....and she'll be hot too.

If a woman has physical flaws, shes told to "get real," to lower her standards, take what she can get, that beggars can't be choosers, that looks aren't everything, that he's, "Such a (nice adjective) guy, you should give him a chance," even though last time he was photographed he got all the Big Foot hunters all excited. It seems like this is the case even if the woman's flaws a minimal and the man's flaws are maximal.

It sucks, it's unfair, there's no denying it.

I don't want to discriminate against ugly men, tell them they have things "easy," or tell them they are not welcomed here, but because females have things so much more difficult in this area, I want to make this place special just for us.


  1. I agree completely with your post. It is much easier for ugly guys than it is for ugly girls. Now individually an ugly guy can have a hard time, but they have an easier time making themselves still valued in society whereas there are no options for women short of plastic surgery. Even that can't or won't be reached by most women, & it leaves no guarantees that she will be turned pretty or less ugly at the end of the surgeries. The reason that ugly guys are left off the hook is part of the patriarchal system in place. It tells women they have one value & that is being sexually appealing to men. So, no matter what they do, they have to do it without losing their sex appeal. For men, they have the time & energy to focus upon improving themselves intellectually, financially, etc., though I'm not dismissing how difficult it is to be upwardly mobile these days. Women are told at about 20 years old: 'You have about 15 years left to be valued, then it's all downhill from there.'

  2. Its all evolutionary psychology. The reason its more okay for a guy to be ugly is in primitive caveman society girls needed guys to not just be good looking but to have fincial stability and high status. Now a days girls consider looks the same as social status so its not as easy for ugly guys as it once was. Speaking of which I as a ugly guy experiance the same situation where girls hate me and especially hate me if I am confident. Likewise no matter what I do or what good traits I have they do not count because I am ugly. But like you said I am likewise vain really its not as though I want to be I wish I could be attracted to the heavy girl that likes me but unfortunately for me I am not and couldnt imagine doing anything physical with her. Peace and sry for invading your girl site

  3. '...If a woman has physical flaws, shes told to "get real," to lower her standards, take what she can get, that beggars can't be choosers, that looks aren't everything, that he's, "Such a (nice adjective) guy, you should give him a chance,"
    It can be much worst than that. Being told to lower her standards to accept an outright creep despite what he looks like due to the belief that this will be her only option or chance.
    Being pressured into a relationship like this runs the risk of being paired up with an abusive boyfriend/husband. Ten years on in the divorce courts with the domestic violence restraining order out on him could have been avoided if she had not had to face the 'lower your standards' expectations from others.
