Thursday, June 21, 2012

If I have to hear one more....

...pretty bitch try to tell me, "It's all about confidence," I might just end up in jail for assault. I'm so sick of this shit. It is NOT about confidence. It has NEVER been about confidence. IT'S ABOUT LOOKS and everybody knows it, but nobody likes it, so they make up some stupid bullshit to shovel down all our throats.

You see, people can't take how awful and stupid they all are, so they invent stories and sell bullshit because bullshit is actually much more palatable than the reality of how horrible humans are. These stupid cunts float through life with everything handed to them, having NO IDEA what it's like NOT to be confident, because...well...they've floated through life having everything handed to them. It's pretty damn easy to be confident and think confidence is the answer when you've been given everything easily since the time you were born. Then, they have the nerve to tell ugly girls, "Deeeeerp, ha, it's all about CONFIDENCE."


I'm so sick of this shit. It's the world's biggest lie. It's just a way to shoot down ugly chicks. It's easy not to acknowledge someone's problems if you just convince yourself that their problems are their own fault. I don't pity the ugly girl, that would take too much of my own emotion. Nope, better to make her feel worse about feeling bad so she'll shut up and I can go back to my vapid existence. Quick, think of something...owww...thinking hurts....OOOOOO, I know, I'll tell her she just needs to be confident...then she'll be quiet and I can go back to reading Cosmo.

It's like a whole religion of STUPID. 

Someone really ought to kill these people. Except, no one will because, even though they're dumber than a squirrel's scrotum because, after all, a squirrel's scrotum isn't completely empty inside, they've won the physical genetics lottery, so everyone goes out of their way to preserve them...often at the cost of beating down folks who would actually contribute to the betterment of society. But, you know...they're not hot so....they don't deserve to even try to be functioning members of society. 

Even if an ugly woman finds the cure for cancer, AIDS, and the common cold, if she's not hot, no one will care. Of course, they'll gobble down her cures for their diseases, but they won't thank her for it. In fact, they'll make jokes about how ugly and therefore worthless she is.

Don't believe me? Look how everyone treats the world's most powerful women, many of whom don't fit the usual beauty standard, but are still highly educated, highly skilled, highly accomplished, important people, who have changed the world. But, they had to ruin it all by being born with DNA that doesn't soothe the savage beast. Those twats!! They shouldn't even be allowed to live. At best, they could maybe write down all their brilliance, but hire a hot model to appear in their place so that they won't burn the retinas of the masses.

That's another thing. It would almost be ok to be ugly if people didn't make you feel like you just shouldn't even exist; that by virtue of your existence, you're polluting their lives somehow. How DARE you be ugly and leave the house! How DARE you block someone's view of a more attractive person! How DARE you ask for help when a hotter person is around! How DARE you attempt to interact with more attractive people! How DARE you crave basic human attention and affection! Of all things, HOW DARE YOU BE HURT BY ALL THIS!!!! You are ugly, you should know your place is under the feet of everyone else and you should be more than content with this because we could treat you even worse if we tried just a little harder.

Goddammit....human beings are horrible little critters. They can all go fuck themselves in the ass with a curling iron for all I care. The planet would be healthier run by the plants and the cockroaches anyway. This is why I can't get too excited about global warming. I'm happy to let The Day After Tomorrow happen.


  1. I see this is a really old entry and you've probably changed since then, but i just stumbled across this right now.

    I do want to say, though, in case anyone else is reading this, that i am ugly, and i also believe it is about confidence. no, i don't think that confidence can make a person drop dead gorgeous or anything, but it does make a difference in how other people view you.

    I think when others talk about confidence, they're really talking about body language. when you're unconfident, and of course it happens to everyone, your body communicates that you are of lower status, that you are insecure, that you are scared, and people tend to pick up on that.

    and when you're feeling confident, then your body language says that you have high status, that you're a force to be reckoned with, to not mess with you 'cause you're the top dog, then you WILL be viewed as more attractive.

    Does it make a huge difference? no. but it does make some difference.

    Although confidence isn't going to make people fall at your feet marvelling your beauty, it's going to make people respect you. and aren't pretty girls pretty not just because they have the looks, but also because they have a fanbase? that's what confidence does for you.

  2. Oh my god. This post is hilarious!!! I just had to scroll down to the comments to see if anyone either 1) berated you for self hatred or claims of projecting self pity or 2) told you that all people are beautiful in their own way. Haha but instead, you just got a comment that says “you’ve probably changed by now” implying… “You couldn’t possibly be this cynical and *gasp* HONEST for your whole life”.

    But you are so right… like confidence is just going to slap the ugly off your face & make the world open its eyes to your awesome personality. When are people going to wake up and realize it doesn’t work that way. Guess you can only understand it if you belong to the ugly club. I stumbled upon this blog because I was about to start one of my own called “Diary of an Ugly Girl” but I’ll have to select another name. Diary of a Fugly Girl? Lol. Anyways, thanks for this breath of fresh air and truthful insight of an article.

  3. Its funny they tell guys the same thing about confidence and explain that girls judge more by personality. I guess they fed you the same story

  4. I know at least one girl who had no basic beauty, who has made it exactly due to the self-confidence. She was not scary like hell but it would be hard to call hear basic natural characteristics admirable or even beautiful, Moreover, she was plump. Looking at her it would be easy to assume she could have been called ugly under the certain circumstances, but DUH! She adopted the certain make-up style, certain clothing style, more importantly - certain behavior and here she goes - a candy-girl. And later she has become thinner, with her own efforts.
    And each time someone says that "it is easy to say for some dumb overconfident beauties, beauty is inborn", I recall the image of that girl. Lol, I am glad that she did not know that I think this way. But she is admirable and bright, and in that case it was a matter of self-confidence and personal efforts, the way that person has represented herself, and not of some personal inborn characteristics.

    Lol. Seems like I am a necroposter.

  5. Here I am in Dec 2015. I was going to make a blog titled just like this.Ha, but you've said. The truth is they say "it is all about personality" "it is all about confidence" "If you like yourself others will too". Pfft yeah, right. I'm an ugly girl (with what they call 'resting bitch face') Let me tell you, it wouldn't matter if I had confidence/personality or not, because no one pays that long of attention to you, when your wrapping isn't pleasing to the eye.

    You know something, I had the nerve to actually try to follow my love of acting and even studied theatre in college. Every time I look in the mirror, I want to punch my reflection. I hate going outside a lot, because I can't stand people looking at me. But hey, ya need to go to work to make the money to pay the I go to work. I have a couple of associates with common interests, but even in that group, I am out of place. If I see one more good looking person put up a selfie saying "I look a mess today : ( " I just might snap. Lastly, my sisters are 6yrs, and about 14yrs older than me and they look younger than me. I'm in my late 20s. smh. idk what to do.
